
Showing posts from April, 2010

BlueRose, Red Nose

It's that time of year again. Time for me to get my spring head cold and sinus infection. I don't have the infection yet, but this is normally how it all starts for me. The stuffiness started last night, I woke up barely able to breath without coughing and I've been blowing my nose non stop since about 9am. And wouldn't ya know, I'm out of tissues at work. I actually ran out about 2 weeks ago and kept forgetting to buy more while at the store. And before you ask, no work does not provide us with any. They don't even provide us with paper towels or cups in the break room. I think the only reason we have toilet paper in the bathrooms is because that is paid for by the building facilities and not the individual agencies who rent out the offices here. So I've had to resort to blowing my nose on the sand paper like, 1-ply toilet paper that is provided in the bathrooms. Not only is it to thin for a good solid blow, but its so rough my nose feels like I've ta...

I Have a Blorum!

So I had a forum that never really got going so I thought "I'll turn it into a Blorum". Then as I was working on the skin and different changes I decided to move it to a whole new place and start fresh with an easier URL than the one my old board had. So I've opened up Simply Blue . I'm sure I'll end up making more changes in the future but for now I have it where I like it enough to open it to the public. There youl'll find a section where I've shared some of my poetry plus a section for me to blog about my online gaming. These 2 areas are closed to new posts, but are open for comments. More could be added in the future, we'll see. The Frozen Rose Inn is open for new posts though, so if you stop by feel free to leave a hello there, or if you are short on time, plop it in the chat box :)

Opinions and Feelings

Right now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to stop visiting a new community I've been frequenting for a little over a month now. For the most part the people are nice, but much of the discussion revolves around politics and other topics that generally people have a wide variety of views on and can easily spark disagreements and arguments. To be clear before I go any farther, I do not associate myself with any political party as I don't really pay that much attention to it. I find it confusing and everyone is lying no matter which side they are on so no point really. I'm also not extremely religious. I believe in God but I have some beliefs that some more religious folks would take offense to. Over all I try to keep an open mind about most topics. I'm willing to listen to both sides and while I may not agree or change my mind I can discuss the topic in a friendly manner. I also try to express my opinions with out telling anyone else that they are wrong. My...