
Showing posts from May, 2010

Sunny Skies, Cool Breezes and Cinnamon Rolls!

Today is the weekly farmers market and there are many more vendors there today than the past couple of weeks since the season has officially started now. I was already planning on going over there, but as I was heading to the ATM for some cash a co-worker walks past me and lets me know that there are fresh strawberries there. !! I love strawberries, and its actually quite rare for them to be at our market. So I double time it to the ATM then out the door to walk down the street. Of course the vendor that has them is all the way at the end of the row, but no matter, he had tons of strawberries. $4 for a quart or $10 for 3 quarts. I only bought one, but I was really tempted to go for the 3. After that I knew I wanted to stop the bread vendor and the honey vendor. The bread guy always has fresh scones in the morning and I was planning on getting one of those, but something else caught my eye. Fresh Cinnamon Rolls! This is new so I had to get one! I also picked up a loaf of 10 gra...

How not to save a Tree

I try not to rant about my job and my boss here too much. I don't want my blog to be so full of negativity, but this is something I need to bitch about as it happens regularly. I don't pretend to be a nature enthusiast, I don't recycle, and my car is defiantly not green. But it still bugs me when people are wasteful with out a second thought.  Especially when it effects the budget at my workplace that is so far in the whole we are facing layoffs again. A large portion of my job revolves around printing out documents for my boss. For some reason she is unable to review these documents on the computer like most of the rest of the people in this office. So I'm constantly printing stuff off for her, most of which she never even reads or looks at, but she needs the items for her meetings. I do my best to print double sided and black and white to save ink. Despite what the companies that do color print tell you, printing in color does cost more when a color printer takes...

Just another long Thursday

Nothing really going on today but thought I'd try to write up something since I didn't post anything yesterday. The picture up above is exactly how I feel right now. It's been raining for days and I'm really starting to miss the sunshine. They say we'll get some tomorrow, so here's keeping my fingers crossed. I've been rather bored at home too. World of Warcraft just doesn't excite me much since I've not been raiding. And lately many of my friends in the game haven't been logging on much either. Least not during the week. It's ok though as I was wanting to spend less time in the game. Only problem is that there isn't much else to do around the house. Maybe tonight I'll play the Wii again. I haven't played it in a few days and 100 pin bowling sounds kinda fun right now. If I'm lucky I'll be able to talk the hubby into playing with me. So we'll see. It'll depend on if I find anything I really want to watch on TV f...

From the Mind of a Child

My husband works at a grade school with special needs children. Some of them are physically challenged and some mentally. But they are generally bright kids. This week at school they have just been doing busy fun work to wind down the school year which ends next week. They've been working their way through an activity book. One of the activities today was to trace their hand for a picture. The kid he was working with today had no problem with this task and they moved on. On the next page the activity was for them to draw a self portrait. This one was a bit more challenging to explain. Him and the other teacher told him he needs to draw himself, his head and arms and such. So taking the lesson from drawing his hand, he plops his face down on the paper and hold the crayon up to my hubby saying "Draw draw!". My hubby and the other teacher couldn't do anything but laugh at first. When after a few minutes they hadn't done the requested drawing the kid looked up at th...

Just Another Manic Monday

Once again it's Monday and I'm at work. Not to far into the day yet only 10 am, but I've nothing better to do right now. The weekend was calm and stress free. Didn't really do anything though. Didn't get my hair cut like I was hoping to. It doesn't cost much to have it done, but with the way money is right now its one of the things I'll just have to deal with out right now. I don't think its quite long enough for me to be able to do a donation to Locks of Love yet anyways and still keep it past my shoulders. Probably be there by the end of the summer though. Didn't get anything done about my tire either.  When it comes to weekends the hubby and I always avoid leaving the house. We're both stuck in stressful jobs all week long so when the weekend comes neither of us want to do anything but hang around the house and relax. I can say I got the laundry done though. It's the one thing I actually make sure gets done every week, well at least in t...