Baradin Hold
Tol Barad Island, THE island in World of Warcraft right now. Why? Because it's the only place to get free gear for casual players like myself who no long raid. Every 2 hours the Horde and the Alliance battle it out for the chance to kill Argaloth and steal his gloves and pants. Or maybe I should say every 2 hours the Horde on my server sit and laugh as the Alliance try pitifully to PvP and hope all the Horde are off doing something at the moment. The Alliance are rather bad at PvP on my server and this shines most prominently when fighting for control of the island. It's a rare day for us to have control, so when we do, everyone takes full advantage and gets their groups together to do Baradin Hold. I normally manage to get my shaman in a run early in the week and last week was no exception. I've yet to see a piece of shaman loot drop though. Oh and I play Alliance. I have 2 other alts that are geared enough to do the run also, and last night, the last night before the ...