Facebook Games or Where Has My Life Gone?
Facebook games seem to be the "thing" to do right now. Nearly everyone has a Facebook account, even those of the older generations who may not completely understand what it is. And what better way to make sure people spend as much time on the system as possible but to create addictive, time consuming games where the only way to get the best items is to either buy Facebook credits to purchase the items or to get an insane amount of friends to play with you and help unlock the goodies. I told myself for a long time that I would not get sucked into playing these games. Farmville never sounded fun to me and the Sorority Life that my sisters play seemed akin to playing with Barbie's again. But I failed. Miserably. I have some friends who play a few of the games to support a friend. Their good friend got a job working for Crowdstar Games who makes 6 or 7 games for Facebook. In hearing them talk about the games I decided to try them out. Big mistake! Now I'm addicted to t...