
Showing posts from August, 2014

A Day at the Zoo

Here in Wichita we have one of the top 25 Zoo's in the country. Not sure exactly where it ranks but it is a wonderful zoo. If you are ever in Kansas you should check it out. Last weekend and this weekend we were able to get into the zoo at a huge discount so we were able to actually go and have a nice walk around. Normally it is too expensive for us because well, we're poor, so I was really happy to get to go. I'm a bit like a kid in a candy shop and I love to take pictures of the animals. I took about 100 the first day and a few more the next week of a few animals that were in better positions or more active. Because I took so many I thought I'd share some of my favorites. I happen to be a big fan of the cats, so I have a ton of pictures of them. But I'll start with my Lion King pictures as I like to call them! Now for some others :) A Kookaburra I don't remember what this was called, but I thought it was really pretty. This looks li...