
Showing posts from January, 2015

Meet My New Kitten!

Just before Christmas my Arwen passed away. In the past weeks I've been wanting to adopt a new kitten. Not just for us but to keep Eowyn company. On Monday we went to the Humane Society to pick out our new family member. We came home with Cirilla, a 7 month old Snowshoe. It is apparently a fairly rare breed. She was surrendered to the Humane Society by a family that had only had her for 3 weeks when they realized their grandson is allergic. She is so adorable and super friendly. She loves being rubbed and cuddled. Eowyn isn't all that happy yet, but I'm sure she'll come around.

Resolution Run Pt 2

Time for Part 2 of my Resolution Run! As you may remember, back in September my husband and I signed up to do a 5k run on December 31, 2014 call the Resolution Run. It is a beer run that is done every year on New Years Eve. The last 3 months of training for this race did NOT go as planned. Brian, in an attempt to start running, did too much and strained his knee. That put him out of even walking for a couple of weeks. And me being lazy wouldn't walk without him. I did start walking a bit more at work but that only lasted until it got cold out. After that I couldn't be bothered. Plus who likes losing half of their lunch break let alone to go out into the cold? That and the holiday's put my weight back up a bit but only a bit. Now, time for pictures! I am not a good selfie taker, I'm not one of those kids who grew up with a camera phone in hand and just never really got the hang of it. This is of course me in my bib. On the back side is a tracker that starts...