
Showing posts from 2010

Sweatin' It

I've been over weight for a long time. And when I say over weight, I'm not talking like a cheerleader who thinks she's fat, I'm talking over weight as in I'm seriously unhealthy. I'm not so unhealthy that I could drop dead at any moment. My blood pressure is fine and as far as I know my cholesterol is also, but there are some things I find physically hard to do. Lately I've been thinking more and more about getting married. Yes, I know I call Brian my hubby, but we're not technically married. In all sense of the word we are, we just don't have that little piece of paper to make it all official. I've been married and divorced once before so I hadn't really worried about us getting married and never really thought about having any sort of wedding, but lately I have been. I have all these ideas running through my head of what our wedding should be like and what I want to do. Some simple and cheap yet elegant. But then I look in the mirror and ...

November Chatter

I'm going to do my best to make this blog work out for me as I really love the system. I'll be moving in my other blog posts from other areas to here as time allows. I don't have all that many, but just enough for it to be time consuming. Edit: I've now moved in all my old posts that were located on another system. I've added them while here at work so I can't make sure they posted ok. If you have any time please give them a looksie and let me know if anything doesn't look right :) Thanks so much! *hugs*

The End of the World

Today marks the start of a whole new chapter in the World of Warcraft. Deathwing makes his devastating return and the world as we know will be forever changed. I'm disappointed in myself for getting distracted last night and not thinking about going and taking some screen shots of places that will be changing. The hubby and I ran ZG for the last time yesterday. No mounts for either of us and I didn't even think to take any screen shots. ZG was my first ever raid. My rogue had just gotten to level 60 and the guild I had joined happened to be a raiding guild. I had to practically beg for an invite and they eventually let me in. Her gear was crap, but I gave it my all. I died so many times as I had no idea what I was doing. What I remember best is getting drunk from the spider bites and not being able to see anything as I didn't know about the full screen glow effect and that it could be turned off. I also died so many times to the bat riders when they would blow up. I only ...

100 Mounts!

I really feel that this acheivement deserves its own post rather than thrown in at the bottom of another. The reason it was done that way was because that post was originally posted on a community site and I didn't want to make 2 posts at the same time. But here I can do what ever I want so here goes! It took me ages to finally get this mount! I love it to bits and I've been wanting it for AGES! Why did it take me so long you might ask? Well my beloved shaman, my main, is cursed it seems. The RNG Gods hate her with a passion when it comes to mount drops. She only has 2 mounts that come from drops, the Bronze Drake and the Black Twilight Drake from OS10 3D. Not another single dropped mount does she have. I've bought the Chopper, the Travelers Tundra Mammoth, the Hodir Exalted White Mammoth. I have all the Argen Tournament mounts save the Argent Hippogryph though I intend to get it at some point. I've done the daily for the White Polar Bear since the first week of Wrath a...

Turkey Time!

So this week I decided that I really wanted to make a turkey. I have no idea why I just did. It could be because on Monday at the store I saw some injectable marinade that was Roasted Garlic and Herb and it sounded super yummy and I really wanted to use it. So the hubby and I went shopping Friday night for a turkey and some yummy extras to go with it so we could make our own little Thanksgiving meal for just the 2 of us. Sure we're going to be spending Thanksgiving with my family and there will be plenty of turkey and all sorts of food there, but I wanted it now! Starting off with the shopping the hubby convinced me before hand that we should really just do a breast as they're smaller and there wouldn't be so much waste. Well we get to the store and the breasts are more expensive than the whole turkies! So we buy a whole one anyways though we tried to go small and bought a 12 pound one. We also got the marinade, potatoes for mashed potatoes, stuffing and cresant rolls alo...

A Wonderful Week!

I don’t normally blog about my World of Warcraft playing here but this was a really good week for my new little guild and we are so excited so I’ve decided to share. If you are confused about what anything means, please feel free to ask. I've also made a post on my Blourm explaining many of the basic terms used in the game. And because it was our first huge accomplisment as a guild and I really don't care that there were only 5 of us in the group in the guild I made sure to get a group picture! Well, raiding has been very kind to us since that day. Friday the 5th was our first scheduled day to start raiding after the guild meeting. We get 5 of us together, 2 tanks and 3 dps, so we need heals. I spam chat for an hour and all I can get is 2 more dps and no heals. So we decide to try again on Saturday. What a difference 1 day makes! On Saturday an old friend of my husband and myself decided to transfer back to our server and join our guild. She brought 2 toons both of which ...

The Drunken Scottsman

So for the past several days the hubby and I have had a song stuck in our heads. It isn't a bad song, in fact is a rather funny song, but it's about to drive us crazy as it just keeps playing over and over again in our heads. Because of this I've decided that I want to share the song with all of you. There are no images in the YouTube below as there is no video for the song but please make sure you sound is on and have a listen.

Restarting the Morning

I dislike mornings. I've never been a morning person. And mornings are not made any better when things are not working properly. Thus is the story for me this morning. Our lovely IT department has started the process of moving all our printers and work stations to a new server system. And of course lucky me gets to be a part of the test group that moved last night.  Along with those of us in the test group having our work stations moved, the printers also moved to the new server last night. I had to completely shut down my computer last night which is something we normally only have to do if we know the power is going to be out in the building over the weekend. So this morning I have to start it up which takes forever because of all the security scripts that have to be run. So I wait around and twiddle my thumbs waiting on it. Finally I'm in and I see an email stating that everyone needs to restart their computer to load the new IPs for the printers to their w...

Hooray for Leftovers!

Normally when a person thinks of leftovers they think of something gross and unappealing. Well my lunch today was leftovers and I'll have you know it was very YUMMY! In an effort to save money on groceries because we just bought a new car, the hubby and I have been exploring alternate methods of cooking that are cheap but also not time consuming. This is what we've come up with.   We don't have a name for it, but it is so very yummy and it cooks all in one pot. Ingredients: 1 package Hillshire Farm precooked Beef Sausage 1 fresh sliced yellow onion 5 sliced red potatoes (depending on size) 2 fresh cloves of garlic 1 can Veg-All, drained 1 cup white Minute Rice 1 can of water 2 Tables spoons light margarine Tony Chachere's Creole Spice Mix Garlic Powder We start by slicing and adding the onion, potatoes, Veg-All, water and margarine and spice to taste (we like ours a bit spicy) so that they can start cooking. Then slice up and add the sausage. Once ...

Real ID for World of Warcraft

As some of you may know I'm hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft an MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). I've been playing for nearly 5 years now and I love the game. I have 8 level 80 characters plus 3 more in their mid 70s. My husband and I met through the game and it is a part of our lives.  One of my sisters likes to give me crap because we pay $15 each every month to play this game. But $30 once a month for unlimited entertainment is so much cheaper than dinner and a movie that we'd only get to do once a month. Recently Blizzard (the company that owns World of Warcraft) released a new feature for WoW and their other games. Real ID. Real ID was a revolutionary new chat system for the game. Friend your friends and you can now talk to them no matter what character they are on no matter if they are of a different faction, on a different server, or even in a different Blizzard game. I became really excited about this as I love to randomly create n...

Heaven in a Pint

Right after High School I went on a school sponsored trip to Germany. I spent 18 days there with a group of my classmates and a few teachers. I don't remember which town we were in at the time, but we were in a shopping center and there was an Italian Ice stand that sold ice cream. I don't remember the name of the flavor I picked out anymore, but it wasn't one that I knew or had ever had before. And my teacher couldn't give me a translation for it either. Well I think I found it again! I think the flavor was amaretto! A few days ago the hubby and I were craving ice cream as we hadn't had any in a while. I was really looking for something different when this one caught my eye. Amaretto Almond Crunch from H ä agen-Dazs . I took it home and dug in to find it was like heaven in my mouth! The flavor was absolutely perfect and tasted like the ice cream I'd had years ago in Germany. Of course that ice cream didn't have little bits of almond in it, but after tast...

You know your from Kansas when...

So one of the first things people think about when I tell them I'm from Kansas is the Wizard of Oz. Normally I get at least one silly person who will call me Dorathy and a handful more who will ask me how Toto is doing. If they are particularly annoying, I'll tell them Toto is dead. But that isn't what makes you a true Kansan. Growing up here you learn to deal with the constant wind, the rain storms that appear out of no where on a sunny day, and the tornado sirens that are common during the summer months. For those of you that don't know what a tornado siren sounds like this is the easiest way for me to describe it. Have you ever heard an Air Raid siren from the 1930's-40's? Either in real life or in the movies? That is what a tornado siren sounds like as many of them are left over from back then. Though I'm not sure if they would spin back then. Our spin so that they can send the sound over a wider area than one that only points one direction. So the ...

My Newest Nephew!

So yesterday May 31st at 12pm, my newest nephew Dylan Lawrence was born weighting in at 7lbs 2.6oz and 19inches long. He is now the youngest of 3 of the cutest boys I know! Sadly I'll have to wait a few weeks before I can go and visit him as I live a couple hours away from the rest of the family. I've posted more pictures at my forum so you'll have to go there to see them! CUTE BABY PICS HERE!

Sunny Skies, Cool Breezes and Cinnamon Rolls!

Today is the weekly farmers market and there are many more vendors there today than the past couple of weeks since the season has officially started now. I was already planning on going over there, but as I was heading to the ATM for some cash a co-worker walks past me and lets me know that there are fresh strawberries there. !! I love strawberries, and its actually quite rare for them to be at our market. So I double time it to the ATM then out the door to walk down the street. Of course the vendor that has them is all the way at the end of the row, but no matter, he had tons of strawberries. $4 for a quart or $10 for 3 quarts. I only bought one, but I was really tempted to go for the 3. After that I knew I wanted to stop the bread vendor and the honey vendor. The bread guy always has fresh scones in the morning and I was planning on getting one of those, but something else caught my eye. Fresh Cinnamon Rolls! This is new so I had to get one! I also picked up a loaf of 10 gra...

How not to save a Tree

I try not to rant about my job and my boss here too much. I don't want my blog to be so full of negativity, but this is something I need to bitch about as it happens regularly. I don't pretend to be a nature enthusiast, I don't recycle, and my car is defiantly not green. But it still bugs me when people are wasteful with out a second thought.  Especially when it effects the budget at my workplace that is so far in the whole we are facing layoffs again. A large portion of my job revolves around printing out documents for my boss. For some reason she is unable to review these documents on the computer like most of the rest of the people in this office. So I'm constantly printing stuff off for her, most of which she never even reads or looks at, but she needs the items for her meetings. I do my best to print double sided and black and white to save ink. Despite what the companies that do color print tell you, printing in color does cost more when a color printer takes...

Just another long Thursday

Nothing really going on today but thought I'd try to write up something since I didn't post anything yesterday. The picture up above is exactly how I feel right now. It's been raining for days and I'm really starting to miss the sunshine. They say we'll get some tomorrow, so here's keeping my fingers crossed. I've been rather bored at home too. World of Warcraft just doesn't excite me much since I've not been raiding. And lately many of my friends in the game haven't been logging on much either. Least not during the week. It's ok though as I was wanting to spend less time in the game. Only problem is that there isn't much else to do around the house. Maybe tonight I'll play the Wii again. I haven't played it in a few days and 100 pin bowling sounds kinda fun right now. If I'm lucky I'll be able to talk the hubby into playing with me. So we'll see. It'll depend on if I find anything I really want to watch on TV f...

From the Mind of a Child

My husband works at a grade school with special needs children. Some of them are physically challenged and some mentally. But they are generally bright kids. This week at school they have just been doing busy fun work to wind down the school year which ends next week. They've been working their way through an activity book. One of the activities today was to trace their hand for a picture. The kid he was working with today had no problem with this task and they moved on. On the next page the activity was for them to draw a self portrait. This one was a bit more challenging to explain. Him and the other teacher told him he needs to draw himself, his head and arms and such. So taking the lesson from drawing his hand, he plops his face down on the paper and hold the crayon up to my hubby saying "Draw draw!". My hubby and the other teacher couldn't do anything but laugh at first. When after a few minutes they hadn't done the requested drawing the kid looked up at th...

Just Another Manic Monday

Once again it's Monday and I'm at work. Not to far into the day yet only 10 am, but I've nothing better to do right now. The weekend was calm and stress free. Didn't really do anything though. Didn't get my hair cut like I was hoping to. It doesn't cost much to have it done, but with the way money is right now its one of the things I'll just have to deal with out right now. I don't think its quite long enough for me to be able to do a donation to Locks of Love yet anyways and still keep it past my shoulders. Probably be there by the end of the summer though. Didn't get anything done about my tire either.  When it comes to weekends the hubby and I always avoid leaving the house. We're both stuck in stressful jobs all week long so when the weekend comes neither of us want to do anything but hang around the house and relax. I can say I got the laundry done though. It's the one thing I actually make sure gets done every week, well at least in t...

BlueRose, Red Nose

It's that time of year again. Time for me to get my spring head cold and sinus infection. I don't have the infection yet, but this is normally how it all starts for me. The stuffiness started last night, I woke up barely able to breath without coughing and I've been blowing my nose non stop since about 9am. And wouldn't ya know, I'm out of tissues at work. I actually ran out about 2 weeks ago and kept forgetting to buy more while at the store. And before you ask, no work does not provide us with any. They don't even provide us with paper towels or cups in the break room. I think the only reason we have toilet paper in the bathrooms is because that is paid for by the building facilities and not the individual agencies who rent out the offices here. So I've had to resort to blowing my nose on the sand paper like, 1-ply toilet paper that is provided in the bathrooms. Not only is it to thin for a good solid blow, but its so rough my nose feels like I've ta...

I Have a Blorum!

So I had a forum that never really got going so I thought "I'll turn it into a Blorum". Then as I was working on the skin and different changes I decided to move it to a whole new place and start fresh with an easier URL than the one my old board had. So I've opened up Simply Blue . I'm sure I'll end up making more changes in the future but for now I have it where I like it enough to open it to the public. There youl'll find a section where I've shared some of my poetry plus a section for me to blog about my online gaming. These 2 areas are closed to new posts, but are open for comments. More could be added in the future, we'll see. The Frozen Rose Inn is open for new posts though, so if you stop by feel free to leave a hello there, or if you are short on time, plop it in the chat box :)

Opinions and Feelings

Right now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to stop visiting a new community I've been frequenting for a little over a month now. For the most part the people are nice, but much of the discussion revolves around politics and other topics that generally people have a wide variety of views on and can easily spark disagreements and arguments. To be clear before I go any farther, I do not associate myself with any political party as I don't really pay that much attention to it. I find it confusing and everyone is lying no matter which side they are on so no point really. I'm also not extremely religious. I believe in God but I have some beliefs that some more religious folks would take offense to. Over all I try to keep an open mind about most topics. I'm willing to listen to both sides and while I may not agree or change my mind I can discuss the topic in a friendly manner. I also try to express my opinions with out telling anyone else that they are wrong. My...

My Cute Nephews!

So my birthday was a couple weeks ago, but I held off on celebrating with my family until this past weekend as they knew they'd be able to come visit then. We didn't do a whole lot other than go out to eat and hang out at my apartment for a while, but that was enough to get some really cute pictures of my nephews! We went out to eat at Cheeburger Cheeburger. Here's a link to their website for those of you who have never heard of them. Diner experience with custom made cheeseburgers! Now because they also do shakes, and have a "shake of the day" we all felt the urge to indulge. Pictured above is my youngest nephew, Ronan, showing off a big grin after Grandma let him have some of her Peanut Butter and Banana shake. This kid has suction power! See those 3 straws in Grandma's hand? Ronan had all three of them in his mouth with shake moving up all three of them at the same time! Now back at the apartment there wasn't much to do, but I do have a Wii and th...

Office Space

For those that may not know. I hate my job. The picture above is pretty much how I feel about it. I'm an Administrative Specialist for a state agency. While the job isn't hard, and honestly I normally don't have all that much to do, its extremely boring and I feel brain dead most of the time. I directly support 8 people and provide assistance when needed to 12 others who do not have their own support staff anymore after lay offs last summer. So, about six months ago I was having a lot of problems with my stomach. I went to the doctor and as far as they can tell I simply have irritable bowl syndrome. I had a colonoscopy done just to make sure it wasn't more serious. The doctor then proscribed me some nasty prescription drink mix stuff that I took for 2 days then refused to drink more. I'm currently taking some over the counter stuff along with a fiber supplement to try and help keep things going as they should, but it doesn't help every day. Some days being mor...

On the 9th Floor..

So, I work on the 9th floor of a 10 story office building. Normally this isn't a bad thing. We have a semi-nice view of the city from up here, which depending on the weather is kinda pretty. When it isn't nice to work on the 9th floor is when someone decides to burn their popcorn in the microwave setting off the fire alarms. I'm a government employee, and as such I have the traditional figure of such. Round. I'm not in shape by any means, nor are most of the people who work here. I'm just lucky I'm not one of the ones who also has ankle/knee problems. On average I walk maybe 1 mile a day, mostly just to and from my car as I have to park 3 blocks from my building. So it isn't like I never move, but 9 flights of stairs for me is just painful. The worst part is that it wasn't painful while actually walking down them, or over the block to our meeting place. They started getting soar about 30 minutes later and getting worse the rest of the day. Now, 3 day...

Maybe I'll try this...

So it isn't like I haven't tried to do blogs before. I have. But my life just isn't interesting enough for me to keep it updated. So I'll put this here and it'll probably be the only thing I ever post. Not like anyone will read it anyways. Other than maybe Zoe. Everyone I know who would even look at my profile has drifted away from yuku for one reason or another. Life is like that. Hell even I'm not really around. But I think it's more reactionary for me. People stopped coming by FK, so nothing new was being posted, so I had nothing to read or comment on, so I started stopping by less and less. I've not bothered trying to find another community to join either. I don't have a lot of time for RP and I don't know what other type of forum would even be interesting. That and I'm not good meeting new people. Took me a week just to work up the courage to post at FK the first time. *pauses* Hmm...guess I had more to say than I thought for this. B...