November Chatter

I'm going to do my best to make this blog work out for me as I really love the system. I'll be moving in my other blog posts from other areas to here as time allows. I don't have all that many, but just enough for it to be time consuming.

Edit: I've now moved in all my old posts that were located on another system. I've added them while here at work so I can't make sure they posted ok. If you have any time please give them a looksie and let me know if anything doesn't look right :)

Thanks so much! *hugs*


  1. Oh I'm so pleased you have a general chat post.

    I only have 17 more posts to bring across today. It's taken me a week to get all mine sorted, but I am almost there now.

    I love it that we are all now using the same blogging system because it's so easy to link up and follow everyones posts.

    I'm keeping my eye on what you add here for ideas for mine.

  2. Oh I have changed your link to here in your mini profile on my board. If you find there is the wrong link to your blog anywhere I might have it showing, please do tell me so I can change it.

    Are you also going to post on Yuku but with links in the post to these posts??

  3. I am going to still use the Yuku one also. And sadly that is probably where I'll end up commenting on most peoples blogs as I haven't figured out yet if I can comment from work, but I'm thinking I can't. Just read and make my own posts.

  4. Hey BlueRose! So hope you can work this out to work for you. It's really nice to see you here.
    I love using Blogspot myself!

    Have a great week coming up!

  5. Wow it looks great here Blue :) You are all so smart in all this; I just fumble along lolol

  6. Thanks guys!

    And Martha is all about experimenting!

  7. I tend to just fumble along over here but with Chilly's help and as Blue says, experimenting I get by.

    I am learning it all as I go.

  8. Hey, don't be scared of it. At some point when all is working fine, just copy your script sheet and safe it in mote pad or whatever you use or download the skin template you have, then if you happen to blow up your skin, then just install the one you saved and start over.

  9. I think I'm getting the hang of this. The CSS is a little odd, but it isn't bad. Now I just need to think of something to write about!

  10. I got bored because my board has gone down, so thought I'd have a wander into other places, and ended up here.

  11. Having a nosy here to see what you've been up to Blue :)

  12. Monday morning and sitting here at my friends wishing I had my own computer to work on.

    Oh well at least I can visit you all and say HELLO.

  13. Just letting you know I've been Blue :) hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


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