Cookie Theif

Yesterday the Board held their annual Holiday Open House at work. It last for two hours in the room down the hall. It's just a meet and greet with cookies, pretzels and punch.

My office for whatever reason always buys the refreshments for the party and this year I was in charge of ordering. Not a big deal as I just pull up the invoice from last year, call the caterer and order the same as before.

When the cookies arrived I wondered if I had made a mistake as the cookies were not up to the quality that I would have expected for $2.50 a cookie. I took a few pictures.

But this isn't really about the bad cookies, its about what happened to them today. After the party we had tons of left overs as per usual. We pack up the cookies and send them off to departments that have 24 hour staff that aren't able to come. But we always keep a few for our office. This year we kept 1 large bag of cookies, maybe 2-3 dozen and a large bag of pretzels. These were placed on the break room table. The catering staff were supposed to be at our office first thing this morning to retrieve the equipment they left (we don't have they stay and serve) but they didn't show up until I was on my lunch break, though even then I had called at 11:30 to let them know that no one had showed up yet.

When I got back from lunch the lady who covered for me said that the catering staff had showed up to collect their stuff and mentioned something about leaving leftover something or other. She didn't catch all of it as she was on the phone. I head to the break room where we had piled all their things and sure enough it was all gone. was the bag of cookies. Not only had this person taken the equipment but they took back a bag of cookies worth at least $50. I was more than pissed. The cookies were not that great but we paid for them. If the person wanted a cookie to eat I would have gladly given them one. But I would not have let them walk out with $50 worth of cookies!

It just blew my mind that someone would do that.
