The pain to end all pain

What is the worst pain you have ever endured?

Everyone has different levels of pain they can endure. But I think there is one thing that will make a person cringe no matter how stout they are.

Kidney Stone.

Yup, a kidney stone. A nearly microscopic piece of calcium (normally) that forms in the kidney and then proceeds to force its way out of the body. This small thing, the size of a grain of sand, can bring even the toughest of tough guys to a fetal position in the ER.

And that is where I spent my Easter Sunday morning. The ER.

Everything started on Good Friday though. Not so good for me. I was already planning to be off in the afternoon but ended up missing the entire day because I woke up with some odd pressure that encompassed my entire abdomen. By 10am I was in immense pain that thankfully only lasted maybe 30 minutes though a sharp achy pain took its place for the rest of the day. I was miserable but managing. Good thing too as my family had decided to have our Easter celebration on Friday evening due to work schedules. The pain was minimal enough that I was able to enjoy dinner and a beer hunt.

Saturday was nearly a normal day for me. Only had the smallest of aches for a short time that day. I thought whatever had caused my pain was gone.

I was wrong.

I woke up around 3am Sunday morning in intense pain that subsided just enough after a bit for me to fall asleep. It came back around 7am and that is when I called for a ride to the ER. Hubby still can't drive (another story I've been meaning to tell) so I called and woke my mom up. Thankfully the ER had no wait time and I was seen right away. I was given some morphine and an IV which made the wait for a CT scan less miserable. The results came back showing a 3mm kidney stone. Small enough to pass on its own, so I was discharged and sent home with a prescription for some painkillers to wait. I was there about 3 hours in total.

Now if only my story ended there. See, I sometimes have a bad reaction to Oxycodone which is what was prescribed. So Monday morning I go to work, I have some pain so I take my meds, which include an anti-nausea pill. So much for that. By 10am I was feeling so nauseous that I was laying on the floor. A coworker agreed to drive me home right about the time I lost my breakfast into the trashcan. I made it home and crawled into bed where I stayed for most of the rest of the day.

So that was my weekend. Terrible mostly.


  1. I had gangrene infection in my left pinky toe due to blood clots and high blood pressure, that would have been the worst pain I have ever felt in my whole life. 😟


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